Holistic Wellness https://holisticwellness.site Wed, 20 Mar 2024 23:46:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://holisticwellness.site/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/cropped-Holistic-Health-Tips-32x32.png Holistic Wellness https://holisticwellness.site 32 32 The Potential of Coconut Oil and Lemon Mixture: Can it Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color? https://holisticwellness.site/the-potential-of-coconut-oil-and-lemon-mixture-can-it-restore-gray-hair-to-its-natural-color/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 23:46:27 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1141 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

In the quest for natural remedies and holistic beauty treatments, the combination of coconut oil and lemon has gained attention for its purported ability to reverse gray hair, bringing back its original color. While many anecdotal claims suggest its effectiveness, it’s essential to understand the science behind this remedy and its potential benefits.

The Ingredients: Coconut Oil and Lemon

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil, extracted from the kernel of coconuts, contains fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the scalp. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, it’s known for its antimicrobial properties, promoting hair health and shine.


Lemon is renowned for its acidic properties and high Vitamin C content. It’s believed to help prevent premature graying by strengthening hair follicles and aiding in the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for hair color.

Understanding Gray Hair:

Gray hair occurs due to the gradual reduction of melanin production in the hair follicles, leading to a lack of pigment. Factors such as genetics, age, stress, and nutritional deficiencies contribute to premature graying. While lifestyle changes and certain remedies may help, reversing gray hair entirely remains a complex task.

The Mixture and its Potential Effects:

The Process:

Proponents of using coconut oil and lemon for gray hair often suggest massaging a mixture of both ingredients into the scalp and leaving it for a specific period before rinsing. The idea is that the combination could nourish the scalp and potentially stimulate the production of melanin, thereby restoring the natural color of the hair.

Scientific Backing:

While both coconut oil and lemon have individual benefits for hair health, there’s a lack of substantial scientific evidence supporting the claim that this mixture can entirely reverse gray hair. Hair color is deeply rooted in genetics and biological processes that may not be easily altered by external remedies.

Considerations and Caution:

  • Skin Sensitivity: Lemon’s acidity might cause skin irritation in some individuals. Patch tests are advisable before using this mixture extensively.
  • Expectations: Managing expectations is crucial. While this mixture may offer some hair health benefits, complete reversal of gray hair might not be achievable for everyone.


The notion of using coconut oil and lemon to reverse gray hair is an intriguing and widely circulated natural remedy. While these ingredients have individual hair care benefits, their combined effect on restoring hair color remains largely anecdotal. While there might be anecdotal evidence of improvement in hair quality, full reversal of gray hair is a complex biological process that might not be significantly impacted by external applications.

Always consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified expert before attempting any new remedy, especially when it comes to matters related to health and cosmetic changes. While these natural ingredients could contribute to healthier hair, their ability to reverse gray hair might not yield the desired results for everyone.

In conclusion, while the coconut oil and lemon mixture may offer certain benefits for hair health, the expectation of complete reversal of gray hair should be approached with caution.

Remember, individual results may vary, and embracing natural changes in hair color can also be a beautiful journey.

Always be informed and consider various options when exploring such remedies.

Would you like to explore more on this topic or need any additional information?

SHE POURED LISTERINE ON A COTTON BALL AND THEN RUBBED HER ARMPITS https://holisticwellness.site/she-poured-listerine-on-a-cotton-ball-and-then-rubbed-her-armpits/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 23:09:08 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1114 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

Usually, people use Listerine only as a mouthwash, however the real fact is that the inventors of Listerine had much more in mind. Listerine was formulated in 1879 and originally it was developed as a surgical antiseptic and has been used for all sorts of things. Moreover, Listerine wasn’t marketed for bad breath until the 1970s. The reason why Listerine can be used in so many creative ways is for the reason that it contains helpful ingredients such as thyme, eucalyptus and alcohol.

  • Rub It Under Your Arms

In case you ever find yourself in a situation without deodorant, you shouldn’t panic, we have the perfect solution for you. You just need to pour some Listerine onto a cotton ball and gently dab it under your arms. Listerine is going to help you fight underarm odors whenever you are in a pinch.

  • Soak Your Feet in It

If you are dealing with toenail fungus, once again Listerine is the perfect solution. You just need to make yourself a Listerine foot bath and allow your toes to soak for about 30 minutes. You can also add a little bit of white vinegar for very bad cases.

  • Pour It Down the Toilet

Listerine can also deodorize and clean your bowl, you just need to pour a little bit in and use a toilet brush to give things a light scrub. Besides cleaning the toilet, it’s also going to also give it a great shine and a nice smell.

  • Dab It On Your Itches

You are going to be shocked when we tell you that dabbing Listerine on those itchy bug bites can give you the much-needed relief. The experts highly recommend using it for itchy reactions to poison oak or poison ivy!

  • Wet Your Hair with ItIn the past, Listerine was also marketed as a way to get rid of dandruff. If you want to try it, you simply need to massage some Listerine onto your scalp, wrap your hair in a towel, and wash it out after you have allowed it to do its work!
  • Rub It On Your Dog

Instead of using harsh chemicals such as flea sprays and products for your pet, you can try using some Listerine. Note: you can mix Listerine with shampoo in the bath or dilute it with water! Or, you can also use it as a spray.

  • Put It On Your Face

In case you are struggling with acne, you have already tried everything on the market, you can try with Listerine and we guarantee you that you will be very satisfied with the results. You only need to apply a little bit of Listerine in the morning and before going to bed.

  • Stick Your Toothbrush in It

We all know that Listerine is used to fight the germs in your mouth. However, if you didn’t know, it can also take care of the yucky germs on the toothbrush. All you need to do is to fill a glass with a little bit of the mouthwash and let the toothbrush soak. A couple of hours will be more than enough to do the trick!

  • Spray It On Your Screen

Although it sounds crazy and unbelievable, you can use Listerine for cleaning your computer or television screen. Take a cloth and spray a bit of Listerine on it and you can use it to wipe away fingerprints and the unwanted gunk. An added bonus is going to be the minty smell, as opposed to the “chemical smell” often accompanying normal cleaning products.

Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Not Shave Your Pubic Hair https://holisticwellness.site/here-are-7-reasons-why-you-should-not-shave-your-pubic-hair/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:57:16 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1099 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

Shaving of the pubic hair to so many people, is nothing new. A few sociological theories have suggested that shaving of the pubic hair has to do with cultural trends spawned by certain hairless actors and actresses or even a misguided attempt at hygiene. The most common body areas shaved are the underarms, legs, pubic area, eyebrows, and face for females; the face, abdomen, back, chest, groin, and legs for males. While some people prefer wax, shaving is the most common method used for the underarms, legs, and pubic area.

Here are 7 reasons why you should not shave your pubic hair:

1. Pubic hair contains pheromones

Apparently our pubes contain an interesting mix of pheromones that help make us more attractive to others.These pheromones develop more as our body sweats and are also thought to increase se xual stimulation and arousal in potential se xual mates.

2. Having no pubes means you’re more likely to catch Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum Contagiosum is a viral skin infection that, although generally harmless, can look unsightly and lead to itching.

3. Hair removal can give you abscesses

Hair removal can lead to infected abscesses on the skin – these are caused by bacteria entering the body through the hair follicle.These abscesses require treatment either by antibiotics or an operation, which always carries a danger risk.

4. The time

The sheer time and effort it takes to maintain a foliage-free environment down under may be enough to turn you off the practice.Shockingly, a study revealed that the average woman spends a whopping two months of her life removing pubic hair – that’s a lot of hours you’re not going to get back.

5. Pubic hair helps control your body temperature

By removing your pubes, you could be messing up your body’s ability to cool itself down. There is a sebaceous gland on each hair follicle which release oils onto the hair – when this oil evaporates, it cools the skin.

6. Increased chance of STDs

  • Abscesses
  • Contains
  • Apple cider vinegar and weight loss
  • Apple cider vinegar arthritis
  • Apple cider vinegar pills

Those pesky short and curlies actually help to protect you from a variety of nasty STIs.Removing them leaves you open to an increased risk of an array of conditions, including genital warts and herpes.

7. Friction burn

A hair-free lady garden leaves you open to experiencing a pretty painful dose of friction next time you get frisky.Pubic hair acts as a cushion and can prevent both chafing and skin irritation. Couple any bedroom antics with an equally hair-free partner and you’re asking for trouble – especially if either of you have any ‘re-growth’ going on.

Relieve Yourself From Pain by Pressing These Pressure Points in Your Hand https://holisticwellness.site/relieve-yourself-from-pain-by-pressing-these-pressure-points-in-your-hand/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:42:23 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1087 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

Acupressure is an ancient technique to relieve pain, and cure the body from different kinds of ailments. The science behind this practice is a well-studied one about how different points on the hands heal the corresponding infirmity in the body.Supporters and practitioners of this medical science believe that once a person starts observing acupressure as a regular practice, the body develops an ability of its own to heal itself. With time it has also been confirmed that through this technique positive changes like increase in immunity, release of tension and improved blood circulation take place.

The technique

It’s extremely important to recognize which area in the body is being subjected to pain or stress. Once that has been determined, the next step is to look for the corresponding point on the palm. The point is slowly pressed for 5 seconds, gradually increasing the pressure. After this, the pressure is released for 3 seconds. The cycle of 5 seconds of pressure and 3 seconds of relief is repeated for a couple of minutes. While this technique is suggested in case of regular pain, in case of chronic pain it’s advisable that everyday you put pressure on the corresponding point using your thumb to massage. In this manner you’ll be relieved of your discomfort sooner than expected.

Pressure points to remember

The best way to know which point corresponds to which section of the body is by following charts that depict pressure points on the palm. It’s an easily accessible chart and one can follow it to know about different ways to relieve oneself from pain. For example, in case of a headache, the inner side and upper section of the thumb can be pressed to release the pain. This is because the tip of the thumb, the index finger and the middle finger, is directly linked to the brain. Consequently, pressing the tip of the thumb gradually eases the stress that you may be experiencing in your cerebral nerves.

Similarly, in case of sinus, or sinus related infections, applying pressure on the tip of the index finger may help you feel relieved. And in case of muscle tension in the shoulders, using pressure points on your pinky finger may help in reducing the stress.

One must keep in mind that the pressure points towards the left or the right side of the hand correspond to the same side (i.e., left or the right, respectively) of the body. If you remember this little detail then it’ll be easy for you to also locate different pressure points on the hands. Thus if you feel more pain on the right side of your head then you may begin with pressing the thumb of the same side’s hand to ease yourself from pain.

Like mentioned earlier, there are certain health conditions that acupressure can help relieve the person from. One of these is increased blood pressure in the body. In such a situation choose a point on the first line of the left hand’s middle finger, and start applying pressure on it. Gradually this will help in controlling the increasing blood pressure. Whereas you can cure yourself of dropping blood pressure by applying acupressure on the opposite side on the mentioned part of your hand.

Put Vicks Vaporub On This Place On Your Body Every Night Before Sleeping. Here Are The Amazing Effects https://holisticwellness.site/put-vicks-vaporub-on-this-place-on-your-body-every-night-before-sleeping-here-are-the-amazing-effects/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:23:44 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1066 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

After seeing what the Vicks Vaporub will do on your body, you will be terribly shocked and i assure you that currently you will not only use it for the cold. there’s little doubt that this takes all the prominence as a result of what it will is help millions of people within the world.

The article that i’m going to show you next is a new perform that we can provide the Vicks Vaporub, since due to its properties it doesn’t only work for colds. Look till the end and discover for yourself what you’ll do with the Vaporub.

Remember that Vick VapoRub mustn’t be employed in children younger than 2 years and it’s recommended to use alittle amount on the skin antecedently to rule out doable allergic reactions. look at the results here.

Vicks Vaporub as a home remedy for hemorrhoids. Vicks Vaporub relieves pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation. it’s advisable to use the ointment on the hemorrhoids of the arse, ideally before sleeping and for 3 or 5 days, or till the pain disappears.


It has been used for many years to relieve a cough and alternative symptoms of the cold. However, this product offers so many different uses that make it an essential drug for all relations.

Vicks Vaporub relieves pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation. it’s better to use the ointment on the hemorrhoids of the arse, preferably before sleeping and for 3 or 5 days or till the pain disappears.

This cream of pleasant smell of eucalyptus ought to only be applied to the skin since one of its ingredients, to camphor, will be ototoxic.


Although the Vicks Vaporub package is indicated to not be applied to the phallus, some men use it to extend pleasure.


Traditionally, Vicks Vaporub ought to be applied to the chest or back to relieve cold symptoms, like coughing and congestion. However, some folks claim that it’s much more effective once the ointment is touch the feet or arse. it might be enough to cover the feet with socks when the applying to begin to feel the results and rest peacefully throughout the night.


Make a reducing cream with Vicks Vaporub, sodium bicarbonate, and alcohol. combine the ingredients till you get a homogenous paste, apply it to the elements of the body you want to scale back and cover them with a black plastic or a cotton girdle.

This home-cured reducing cream combats the buildup of fat, eliminates cellulite and companies skin tissues. It conjointly helps scale back jowls, abdominal fat and some inches of legs. the merchandise isn’t miraculous, however it burns the fats of those elements of the body that’s very tough.


To eliminate the pain of a headache, apply Vicks Vaporub on the forehead and on the temples with a lightweight massage. application can facilitate relieve the pressure.


Vicks Vaporub conjointly reinforces the results of alternative treatments against acne, pimples and alternative pimples on the skin. the employment of the ointment decreases the inflammation of the larger pimples and eliminates them.


Although Vicks Vaporub is sold while not a prescription to alleviate a cough and congestion, its use is contraindicated in youngsters under 2 years ancient.

In effect, this is able to stimulate the production of secretion and inflammation of the tract in younger youngsters. in addition, thanks to its high content of camphor, a substance ototoxic to the body if engulfed, this ointment ought to never be applied to or close to the nostrils, as the makers warn.

The pediatricians, in fact, assure that the most effective treatment to relieve nasal congestion within the smallest ones happens through the employment of the traditional saline (salt water) and the soft suction with a rubber knob.

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Two Eggs a Day. I Would Have Never Believed No. 3… awesome! https://holisticwellness.site/heres-what-happens-to-your-body-when-you-eat-two-eggs-a-day-i-would-have-never-believed-no-3-awesome/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:20:05 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1063 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

Eggs were demonized in the past due to their high cholesterol levels. Many doctors suggested that eating eggs is bad due to the cholesterol and may harm your health, but this was a common misconception which has been blown out of proportion. Eggs are one of the few ideal foods for our health – they contain protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and can be used in different ways.

Nowadays, doctors suggest eating 2-3 eggs every day in order to boost your health. If you want to learn more about the benefits of eating a couple eggs a day, continue reading the article below.

1. Reduce the risk of cancer

According to one study published in the “Breast Cancer Research” journal, eating eggs every day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 18%. Furthermore, eggs contain a lot of amino acids, vitamins and minerals that will stabilize your estrogen levels which can sometimes be the main cause for breast cancer.

2. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Eggs contain up to 40 gr. of HDL (good) cholesterol which can prevent numerous cardiovascular diseases. Experts in the past thought that eggs raise the cholesterol levels in our blood, but this isn’t true – our body regulates its own cholesterol levels, and most of the cholesterol is produced by the body itself.

This was proven by a research conducted at the Biomedical Research Center of Louisiana. The study involved 152 overweight people who were divided into 3 groups. The first group ate nothing for breakfast, the second had 2 eggs while the third ate a piece of bread. The results were shocking – the egg group lost 75% more weight and 35% more belly fat and there were no changes in their cholesterol levels as well.

The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in eggs can also reduce the levels of triglycerides, preventing numerous cardiovascular problems in the process.

3. Improve your eyesight

Eggs are perfect for our eyesight due to the high amount of vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin. Vitamin A is essential for our vision and for seeing in the dark as well. On the other hand, lutein and zeaxanthin are two powerful antioxidants that can prevent free radical damage and boost your eyesight, while preventing numerous vision problems.

4. Protect the brain

Eggs contain choline, an important nutrient which is vital for our brain. Choline is a neurotransmitter that sends stimuli to the brain and nervous system and lack of it can have negative effects on the memory and brain function in general.

5. Slow down the aging process

According to one study from Germany, eating eggs regularly can stop the aging process and prevent skin cancer as well. Eggs contain organic pigments such as carotenoids which can slow down aging. However, in order to fully benefit from them, you need to eat the eggs boiled since they contain more carotenoids this way due to the chemical changes generated when the eggs are cooked.

6. Reduce the risk of birth defects

Eggs contain 0.7 mcg. of vitamin B9 (folic acid) which is recommended to pregnant women as it reduces the risk of birth defects and preventing damage to the embryo’s nervous system. Eggs are one of the richest sources of vitamin B9 which is why you need to consume a few of them every day.

7. Support the liver, skin and hair

The egg yolk contains protein and sulfur which can revitalize your dull and weak hair and improve the quality of your skin. They also contain lecithin, a substance that assists the liver in the detoxification process and improves digestion.

8. Help you lose weight

If you want to lose weight, you should stay away from foods with low glycemic index and eat more eggs. Eggs can satisfy your cravings fast and help you eat less, resulting in more weight lost.

9. Keep the bones healthy

Eggs are rich in vitamin D and calcium, two important nutrients for the bones and teeth. According to studies, calcium and protein work together to maintain the calcium levels and keep the metabolic processes in the bones steady. Eggs also contain vitamin D, an important vitamin we mostly get through the sun and is vital for numerous processes in the body.

As you can see, eggs are incredible healthy and won’t harm your health like it was previously thought. They are rich in numerous essential nutrients which will regulate different body processes and improve your overall health as well. This is why experts recommend eating 2-3 eggs a day, except in the cases of diabetes or heart problems, when you should eat only 3 eggs a week.

The 10 Tricks & Aspirin That Every Woman Has To Know. It Will Change Your Life Completely https://holisticwellness.site/the-10-tricks-aspirin-that-every-woman-has-to-know-it-will-change-your-life-completely/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:09:06 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1054 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

Aspirin is one of the most commonly used drugs nowadays. Taking aspirin is a great way to kill a headache, relieve fever, ease tooth pain, or to prevent a heart attack or stroke in people with clotting disorders.

Research even suggests that it can reduce the risk of some cancers and Alzheimer’s disease. But aspirin has many other potential health, beauty, and personal benefits. Discover some of the amazing things that bottle in your medicine cabinet can do for you.

1. Insect bites

Aspirin is one of the easy ways to treat insect bite.If you are facing problems like irritation on skin, redness, rash after bitten by insect then do not worry. Aspirin not only treats the problem but also prevents from infection.
All you need to do is, take a tablespoon of water and dissolve an aspirin in it and rub it on the affected area. Leave it for few minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

2. Lightens your armpit skin

Many people have dark skin on their armpits which can really ruin their self-esteem. To resolve this aesthetic problem, you should dissolve 2 crushed aspirins in 1/2 a cup of warm water, then apply the mixture on your armpits and leave it to work for 60 minutes. Rinse with water afterwards, and repeat the process every day until you see positive results.

3. Gets rid of dandruff

Many people have dandruff problems. If you have dandruff and wish to get rid of it completely, try aspirin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid that helps control dandruff by exfoliating your scalp. Salicylic acid skims the dry skin from your scalp so that the flakes can be washed off when you shampoo your hair.
You should crush two aspirins to a fine powder and add it to the normal amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.

4. Treats acne and pimples

Aspirin can reduce the appearance of acne and pimples, which take away the beauty of your face. The salicylic acid in aspirin helps reduce acne and pimples by removing oil and dead skin cells that are clogging them. It also aids in reducing inflammation, the root of redness and pain, two common symptoms of skin breakouts.
You should crush 2-3 aspirin tablets and mix them with a little lemon juice or just plain water to form a paste. Apply it to the acne or pimples and leave it on for a few minutes before washing off
thoroughly. Repeat once daily.

5. Softens and removes calluses on the feet

Calluses on the feet are toughening area of the skin; this is caused due to the high pressure [or] friction on your feet. To solve this problem, the best medicine is to use aspirin, it can remove it and make your skin smooth on your feet.
Take 6-7 crushed aspirins and mix it in 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, if necessary add some water. Apply this mixed paste around the calluses and wrap your feet in warm cloth or cover with a plastic bag. Remove the wrapping after 10-15 mints, and then rub the calluses with a pumice stone. Repeat the same process until you feel that calluses fall off.

6. Aspirin facial mask

Aspirin can provide soft face skin and free of impurities. Dissolve five tablets in two tablespoons of yogurt and apply it on your face. Leave it to act for 20 minutes and wash it with plenty of water. Afterwards, apply moisturizing cream. Take a break of application after fifteen days.

7. Returns the shine of your hair

Over time, your hair may lose the natural shine it always had. To recover it, simply crumble 8 aspirin tablets and mix it with 1 cup of warm water. Then apply this mixture in your hair from the root to the tip and let it act for 15 minutes. After that, rinse your hair as usual.
Another option would be to add the same amount of pills to your favorite shampoo and wash your hair with it. This will make it grow silky, strong and shiny.

8. Reduce keloids

Aspirin can help reduce the size of keloids and help fade keloid scars, thanks to its salicylic acid content which helps break down the extra layer of keratin protein on the skin. This remedy works best on newly formed keloids as with time, they become stubborn and more difficult to treat.
You should dissolve 4 aspirin tablets in a little lemon juice to get a paste. Apply it on the affected area and leave it on for at least 20 minutes, until the paste dries completely. Do this twice daily for a few weeks.

9. Help cut flowers last longer

Fresh cut flowers displayed in a vase have a pretty short life and tend to wilt away quickly. To keep the freshness of cut flowers intact, you can use aspirin as it helps lower the pH of water. Put a crushed aspirin in the water before adding your flowers. Also, don’t forget to change the vase water every few days.
Most of the people won’t do this because they don’t know. If they do this you will really love this result.

Homemade Detox Foot Patch To Get Rid Of All Toxins From Your Body https://holisticwellness.site/homemade-detox-foot-patch-to-get-rid-of-all-toxins-from-your-body/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:07:27 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1051 atOptions = { 'key' : 'f766b68c97be0b07274bd16a4dd01e79', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; document.write('');

Detoxifying patches have a double effect: it stimulates the reflexogenous spots in the soles and absorbs toxins in your body. But they are also great in weight lose! Of course, they don’t do wonders, but are very useful. The great thing is that you can prepare them at home, without spending a fortune on these curative patches.

Detoxifying patches cost a lot, but you can do your own at home.

To prepare them you need

– 3 garlic cloves
– 1 onion
– 300 ml of water
– gauze
– a knife
– a jar
– a pair of socks

Chop the onion and garlic finely then put the water in a pot on medium heat. When the water start to simmer, add the onion and garlic, and let them boil for 10 minutes. Remove the pot off the stove, and let it cool for 20 minutes. Strain the liquid and pour it over the piece of gauze, and then apply it on the center of your sole. Cover the gauze with a patch then put on a pair of socks. Let the detox foot pad to act overnight.

GET RID OF GRAY HAIR USING ONLY 1 INGREDIENT https://holisticwellness.site/get-rid-of-gray-hair-using-only-1-ingredient/ Sun, 25 Feb 2024 07:00:50 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=1006 The graying of hair is the natural phenomenon that is usually associated with the process of aging. The hair becomes grayish when the cells that produce color fail to produce pigments. Generally speaking, Caucasians notice the first signs of gray hair in their mid-30s, African-Americans when they enter their mid-40s and Asians in their early 40s.

More than 50% of all men and women have a large number of gray hairs when they reach their 50s.

It is very likely that you know how to solve the problem with gray hair on a permanent basis. However, if you are not a fan of the idea of using dye and you are interested to get rid of gray hair and bring back the natural color of your hair, we will suggest one efficient ingredient that can accelerate this process and cover the unpleasant gray hairs.

Get Rid of Gray Hair


  • Two glasses of water
  • One cup of potato peel

Preparation Method

  • Take the potato peel and pour them into the water.
  • Cook this mixture for five minutes.
  • After that, use a strainer to strain the solution.
  • Do this only when the solution becomes yellow.
  • The mixture will turn black after straining.

How to use this remedy?

  • Use your regular shampoo to wash the hair.
  • Apply the potato-based mixture on the hair and use a towel to wrap the hair.
  • Remain like that for at least 30 minutes.
  • After a few uses, you will notice that the hair is getting darker.
Remove Blackheads With One Simple And Effective Trick https://holisticwellness.site/remove-blackheads-with-one-simple-and-effective-trick/ https://holisticwellness.site/remove-blackheads-with-one-simple-and-effective-trick/#comments Sat, 24 Feb 2024 21:29:27 +0000 https://healthalerthub.com/?p=978 Every individual, and especially women dreams about a clear, healthy and radiant skin, as it makes us look beautiful and attractive.

Yet, there is one thing that comes between this dream and us- blackheads. They are tiny pimples which contain no skin. Therefore, when they are exposed to moisture and air, they are easily oxidized and change their color into brown- black.

We constantly read about some remedies that may help us remove the unpleasant blackheads. At times, blackheads are easy to be removed by scrubbing, but at times, you need something more effective and powerful in order to solve the issue.

This article will reveal the best way to get rid of the annoying blackheads, painlessly, and quickly!

Get rid of blackheads with this simple homemade treatment!

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon Salt
  • 2 tablespoons Mint toothpaste
  • 2-3 ice cubes
  • Spoon
  • Small bowl


In the bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of mint toothpaste and a tablespoon of salt. You will get a paste that should be applied on the nose.

Leave the paste on the nose for 5 minutes in order to dry, and then, put some water and massage gently in circular motion. Next, in order to close the pores, you need to rub the ice cubes on the nose, and then, dry it. At the end dry your nose.

This is all you need to do! Your nose will be absolutely clear of blackheads!

How it works:

Salt does not dissolve in toothpaste, and this is why this combination is perfect. Salt has a strong  antibacterial effect and effectively defoliates the skin. On the other hand, the toothpaste contains mint which successfully opens the pores and fights bacteria. The toothpaste cleanses the pores deeply and eliminates blackheads.

In the case of a dry skin, apply a moisturizer at the end of the method. Moreover, do not worry if the nose becomes a bit red, as it will disappear soon. Also, be sure to massage the nose really gently.

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